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How Colored Fillings Can Help Ease Dental Anxiety in Children

Early treatment for cavities is important for children – especially for those who experience fear from thinking about the dentist. Children with dental anxiety are more prone to developing cavities throughout their childhood, and providing those children with the treatment they need can be difficult, especially when it requires constant motivation and removal of those […]

Is Your Child Getting Enough Fluoride?

One thing that concerns many dental savvy parents is whether or not their child is getting enough fluoride. In the United States this isn’t generally a concern, as the water in most municipal areas has had fluoride added. Those who get their water from a well or who don’t drink city water may find themselves […]

The Five Stages of Teething

Teething can be an exciting time for any new parent, or a strenuous one, depending on how your child handles their new teeth coming into play. When a child begins their teething process, it takes a long time for their full set of chompers to develop but is a worthwhile experience that bonds parents and […]

How Xylitol Can Benefit Your Child’s Oral Health

For children, tooth decay is preventable, but for many dentists, the question of how is present. Many dentists recommend dental sealants, while others recommend fluoride treatments, and some recommend avoiding sugary drinks and foods during this time in their lives. Xylitol, however, has become another recommended substance that can be used to prevent cavities. But […]

Children And Dental Hygiene

Dental hygiene is one of those practices that should follow us our entire lives, becoming an everyday moment of pause and self-care throughout the day. To help this become a reality, its essential that you take the time to start teaching your children proper oral hygiene early in their lives. Doing so will help ensure […]

Avoid These Foods and Beverages For Your Dental Health

We all know that the world out there is full of food that has it in for our child’s teeth. Every time we decide to provide a food in the home or take them out to eat, we have to weigh the benefits and drawbacks. A love of sugary, fatty, starchy snacks is pretty much […]

Why Consider Dental Sealants For Your Child

Dentists always recommend that children should get dental sealants, but for parents, the big question is why. Dental sealants at first hand don’t sound so necessary, and if your child has a good dental routine and eats well, then why should you worry? Dental sealants, however, have such a huge impact on children’s dental health. […]

Why Baby Teeth Are So Important

For new parents, handling a child’s growth is more than just about nutrition and exercise. If you’ve paid attention to their teeth, you may even be wondering whether or not the baby’s teeth are important. If they’re going to grow out of their teeth, then why do I need to have their teeth checked? Baby […]

The Importance of Teaching Your Children About Dental Hygiene

Dental hygiene matters for a child’s development; about one in three children don’t brush their teeth often enough, causing problems such as damaged teeth and cavities. Children who do brush their teeth twice a day are at less risk of oral complications than those who don’t. Children who maintain good oral hygiene also have been […]

Why Your Child Can Benefit From Early Orthodontic Treatment

It’s often a surprise to parents when they get advised to take their child to an orthodontist early in life. When children have reached the age of seven, they should be scheduled to see an orthodontist for the first time. During this visit, the dentist will have a chance to explore the overall health of […]