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Why Mail-In Orthodontic Aligners Can Worsen Your Oral Health

Among all the options dentists can provide for your child, braces are often the least exciting and least sought out by parents. Braces can be bothersome, time-consuming, and costly to maintain. However, they still play a vital role in children’s dental health, especially if they face heavy misalignments that impact their oral health. In recent […]

Getting your children started on good dental habits can be a significant challenge, especially if they aren’t used to the idea of brushing and flossing yet. But developing these habits is one of the best preventative measures we have against the onset of gum disease and cavities. To best get these habits in place, it […]

Our Strategies For Treating Children’s Orthodontic Pain

Having your child get braces is considered a healthy, lifelong investment into your child’s dental health but can also be one of the biggest challenges for your child growing up. It can especially be difficult during the first week or so of their new treatment, as they may complain about their teeth hurting often. While […]

Can Pediatric Crowns Be Used For Kids?

When we’re adults, it’s considered normal for people to get dental crowns. But for children, the idea of pediatric crowns is practically unheard of when it comes to dental treatment. But in some pediatric circles, pediatric crowns can be a useful way to address complex dental problems in children. So, what are pediatric crowns all […]

Can Hypnosis Be Used As A Way To Reduce Dental Anxiety?

The idea of using hypnosis in dental care sounds far-fetched at first. Hypnosis usually conjures images of sideshow gigs, live performers, and fantasy entertainment and, in most cases, is seen as just a trick or ruse. However, some dentists have begun using hypnotherapy as a way to help patients with feelings of uneasiness during appointments. […]

The 60 Years of Evolution in Dentistry

The last 60 years have been a time of huge advancements for the dental industry. Within this timeframe, there have been numerous advancements in diagnostics, treatment options, and even specialties that have continuously helped dentists keep up with the demands of healthcare. Modern dentistry has now come with its own challenges, but we’re here to […]

Restoration Before Invisalign, Is it the right move?

You have a child who needs to undergo orthodontic treatment, but they also need restoration work done. You may ask yourself which of these procedures is appropriate to start with. In the majority of cases, it’s going to be important to get the orthodontic treatment done first. A few kinds of restorations may provide additional […]

Is It Worth It To Get Mail-Order Orthodontics?

The dental industry has made some adaptations to care for patients during the pandemic. Likewise, some patients have made some changes of their own, and not all of them for the better. One such change is the move to seeking mail-order orthodontics, some of them regrettably built around a DIY approach. While DIY is the […]

What is The Orthodontic Anchorage Control Technique?

Receiving orthodontic care is a fairly common part of many people’s childhood dental experience. The benefits of addressing orthodontic concerns while the jaw is still developing are significant. The process tends to be shorter, easier, and ensure healthy growth and proper alignment of adult teeth. While your dentist is preparing for this process, they must […]

How Dental Lasers Can Help With Severe Dental Anxiety

For many, feelings of nervousness while visiting the dentist are a normal experience and most often can be easily relieved through reassurances and proper dental care. However, those experiencing more consistent, intense feelings of fear, anxiety, and panic can inhibit proper dental care, often leading to avoidance and poor oral health. When severe enough, it […]