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Foods That Naturally Contain Fluoride

Fluoride is a favorite among dentists because it may repair damaged enamel and remineralize it, making it more resistant to decay. As a result, fluoride is added to public restroom mouthwash, toothpaste, and tap water. Contrary to popular belief, fluoride may be found in food and other natural surroundings for humans. You can now eat […]

Dental Concussions and What To Do About Them

At some time in their life, everyone is prone to oral injuries, which can vary from minor damage to serious trauma. A dental concussion is one of these injuries common in young children but can occur at any age. This occurs when a tooth takes a severe blow but is not fractured or knocked out. […]

Tips To Help Your Child Handle Bullying, Braces, and Crooked Teeth

Bullying can be a stressful and distressing experience for any child, and it can become even more challenging when that bullying is targeted by their braces or crooked teeth. As parents, it’s important to provide our children with the tools and support they need to navigate these situations. At Smiling Kids Pediatric Dentistry in Indianapolis, […]

Signs Your Child Might Need a Root Canal

Did you know that sometimes children also need root canal therapy? That’s because your child’s baby and permanent teeth can also get infected, just like an adult’s. While root canals are commonly associated with adult dental care, some circumstances require a root canal. At Smiling Kids Pediatric Dentistry in Indianapolis, we care about your child’s […]

What’s The Best Toothpaste For My Child?

Searching through the many brands of oral products can be an overwhelming task, especially if you’re looking for a toothpaste brand that can clean your child’s teeth and keep them healthy throughout their development years. While all toothpaste is not created equal, there are some key factors you should look for when seeking out toothpaste […]

Are Sports Drinks Bad For Your Mouth?

As a parent, you always desire your child to be healthy and active, and you may encourage them to drink sports drinks during physical activity. While sports drinks can be helpful in replenishing electrolytes lost during their exercise, they may also negatively affect your child’s oral health. In this article, we’ll explore whether sports drinks […]

How Can I Help My Child When Their Two-Year Molars Erupt?

Your two-year-old’s molars can be incredibly uncomfortable for your child, and if you’re starting to notice your child become more irritable or moody, then it’s most likely their molars! As the first set of molars to come in, it can be tough to help them during this time, but don’t worry! Our team at Smiling […]

How Old Do You Have To Be To Get Braces?

The first decade of our child’s life is a time of many essential changes. Among them is the growth and development of their oral cavity, including their jaws, teeth, and other tissues. Receiving the proper dental care during this period can prevent future oral health issues and the related expenses of handling them. One type […]

Teaching Your Child How to Floss

Being a parent is a lot of work, but it’s also incredibly gratifying. Our job as parents is to teach our children how to care for themselves. An effective hygiene routine must include oral hygiene. Most parents do an excellent job of teaching their kids how to brush their teeth correctly, but flossing is frequently […]

Trauma-Informed Pediatric Care And How It Protects Your Children

Trauma-informed pediatric care means providing healthcare providers with the tools needed to help children through traumatic events and receive the care they need most. For pediatric dentists, this means helping children who have faced unpleasant experiences with dental procedures and or have mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression receive care through a calming, […]