We are accepting new patients!! Here is what to expect at your first visit.


All You Need To Know About Pediatric Dentistry

From the first day, we enter the world, how our overall health cares matters. This includes our oral health. Even before our first primary tooth has pushed its way through the gum, numerous factors can impact our smile. After the arrival of this first tooth, it becomes even more essential that our oral health receives […]

What Are Temporary Anchorage Devices and How Do They Help Move Your Teeth?

Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADS) are titanium implants used during orthodontic care. They are similar in shape to screws and can remain in place for several months following implantation. The type of treatment being performed determines the length of time they remain in place. They aim to provide a fixed and stable point that your dentist […]

Why Mail-In Orthodontic Aligners Can Worsen Your Oral Health

Among all the options dentists can provide for your child, braces are often the least exciting and least sought out by parents. Braces can be bothersome, time-consuming, and costly to maintain. However, they still play a vital role in children’s dental health, especially if they face heavy misalignments that impact their oral health. In recent […]