We are accepting new patients!! Here is what to expect at your first visit.


What is The Orthodontic Anchorage Control Technique?

Receiving orthodontic care is a fairly common part of many people’s childhood dental experience. The benefits of addressing orthodontic concerns while the jaw is still developing are significant. The process tends to be shorter, easier, and ensure healthy growth and proper alignment of adult teeth. While your dentist is preparing for this process, they must […]

How Dental Lasers Can Help With Severe Dental Anxiety

For many, feelings of nervousness while visiting the dentist are a normal experience and most often can be easily relieved through reassurances and proper dental care. However, those experiencing more consistent, intense feelings of fear, anxiety, and panic can inhibit proper dental care, often leading to avoidance and poor oral health. When severe enough, it […]

How Our Diets Impact Our Oral Health

There’s a lot of ways our overall health can benefit from a simple change of diet. Our body needs the proper nutrients to maintain itself. Healing the microdamage that we face each day, reinforcing the enamel in our teeth, and battling bacteria are all included in this. Not getting the necessary nutrients leaves us more […]