10 Things You Didn’t Know Your Dentist Was Doing at Your Checkup

When we visit our dentist we often think we’re just there for them to do an additional cleaning of our teeth and judge us for our oral hygiene failures. While these may be included in what your dentist is doing when you’re in their chair there’s a list of other things that are far more present in their mind than the routine procedures you came in for. Every visit to the dentist for a check-up is a full examination that includes elements you may never be aware of. If you want to know what your dentist is thinking when they’re head-down over your mouth, read on!
Have I Gotten All The Plaque And Tartar Off Their Teeth?
This is one of their initial concerns, and they want to make sure that they’ve gotten it all off during your visit so they can get a clear view of what’s going on with your teeth. If you’ve been taking great care of your teeth this step is likely to be a breeze, otherwise it might take a little longer for them to finish.
Is Everything With Their Bite Lining Up?
One of the things a dentist is constantly on the lookout for is whether or not your dental occlusion (your bite pattern) is normal. Any shifting in your bite pattern can indicate underlying issues with your oral health, including the presence of wisdom teeth or other causes of impaction that are making things shift out of place.
Are Their Salivary Glands Operating Properly?
While your hygienist is ensuring that all your saliva is pulled away with the saliva extractor (We usually just call it “The Sucker”) your dentist is paying attention to your salivary glands. While saliva can get in the way of their job, they want to make sure that you’re producing enough to protect your teeth and maintain normal function of your mouth.
Are There Any Signs Of Oral Cancer?
This is one of the most important parts of your examination, and your dentist typically does it quietly without letting you know you’re being screened. Signs of oral cancer can appear throughout your neck, head, and cheeks, as well as your lymph nodes and tongue. While they’re in there carefully cleaning your teeth and making sure they’re healthy, they’re also watching for this. If caught early it’s easily treatable, so make sure you keep seeing your dentist regularly.
So now you know some of what your dentist is thinking while they’re helping to maintain your state of excellent oral health. These little steps are what make a twice-yearly check-up so important. Catching concerns like these ensure that you’ll remain in great health with a smile that will make you proud. If you’re due for a checkup pick up the phone and contact Dr. Swati Singh at Smiling Kids Indianapolis and schedule an appointment. During your visit to their Indianapolis, IN office you’ll receive a consultation on your current dental health and receive instructions on how to maintain it. Don’t let a small concern become a big one, schedule your appointment today.